Munaco Sealing Solutions

Thermiculite® High Temperature Gasket Paste

Thermiculite® Paste is a high temperature water based sealant.

Thermiculite® Paste is a proprietary high temperature water based sealant designed to be used in conjunction with large segmented gaskets manufactured from Flexitallic’s high temperature sheet sealing material Thermiculite® 815. Thermiculite® Paste has been specially formulated for filling minor voids or gaps in the interlocking joints of large segmented gaskets. The paste is applied using a spatula or putty knife directly into any gaps once the gasket has been located in the flange.

Thermiculite® Paste has been specially formulated for filling minor voids or gaps in the interlocking joints of large segmented gaskets. The paste is applied using a spatula or putty knife directly into any gaps once the gasket has been located in the flange. Care must be taken not to damaged the surface of the gasket in the
immediate vicinity of the joint when carrying out this operation. The paste should be used sparingly, it is NOT a jointing compound, any residual paste deposited on the upper or lower sealing surface of the gasket must be removed prior to joint assembly. For optimum sealing performance Flexitallic recommend that interlocking joints of large segmented gaskets are cut using laser technology. Thermiculite® Paste is formulated to cure in-situ as the flange assembly warms up. At temperatures in excess of 100°C any residual
water will evaporate and paste cure will be initiated. Once fully cured, the paste becomes an integral part of the gasket giving rise to improved joint integrity and sealing performance equal to that of a single piece gasket.


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Thermiculite® High Temperature Gasket Paste