RIGFLEX™ RJ Reverse Integrity Gasket
RIGFLEX™ RJ, Reverse Integrity Gasket, is designed to suit ring-grooved flanges (such as those specified in ASME B16.5)
RIGFLEX™ RJ, a Reverse Integrity Gasket, enables asset operators to selectively pressurize individual connections after reassembly and controlled tightening. This approach to localized testing eliminates the necessity of pressurizing the entire pipeline. The benefits of adopting Reverse Integrity Testing are:
- Reducing downtime by bypassing the requirement to pressurize the entire system, thus avoiding potential issues elsewhere on aging assets.
- Enhancing Health, Safety, and Environmental (HSE) standards by minimizing human interaction with potentially hazardous pressurized systems, eliminating the need for comprehensive pressure testing.
- Achieving significant cost savings through reduced time and resources required for pressure testing an entire system.
RIGFLEX™ RJ is available in two material options: 316 Stainless Steel and Soft Iron, with other materials available upon request.
Flexitallic Engineering is ready to provide alternative designs tailored to your specific requirements. Feel free to contact us for more information.